DAWNETH FEZR'ELL RUBY ♥ In the middle you went and changed the script. | |
Saturday, December 31, 2011
It's gonna be a New Year in singapore in 2hours and 30minutes. I am going to be leaving SG tomorrow at 2am. Flight's at 4am. Pathetic. LOL. I just got Jasmine's letter. EXCITED TO READ IT. I had a really good year at the end I guess. Got to reconcile with lots of people. & meet lots of people that have touched my heart. WHICH SOUNDS SUPER WEIRD. I don't say cheesy stuff. LOL. Okay, my dog is licking his butt. SO CUTE :3 Going to miss singapore. By the looks of Aus, they have celebrated the new year. SO YAY! New years to Aus. Miss you Becky and Gwen, Chase and Colin. YOU GUYS ROCK. Except for Chase, you're just weird. LOL. Okay, bye! Dawn Leanne Julea.I LIKE donuts. HAH, FOOLED YOU.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011 ![]() OMFG. LIKE. THE NEW BEST FRIEND OF MINE. seriously. She commented on my awesomeness, beauty and cuteness. Like, she's JUST LIKE ME. LOL. True that. I'm just slacking. Doing nothing actually. Drinking lots of water. Planning to start work, at maybe 2? :o Okay, that's all. BYE. Dawn Leanne Julea.I like pie STILL :D
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Helllllllo world. Gwen, I still hate you for playing with my disco stick. LOL. & I am in love with hawt dudes, STILL. :D Jasmine is like obsessed with IRIE SHOICHI? however she spells it :B I AM SO EXCITEEEEED. JAS, JIEYING SIST AND MEHHHH ARE GONNA CHGE IGNS TOGETHERRRRR :33333333333 That's a whole lotta fats. :33333333333333333333333 SO EXCITEEEEED :3 & I like totally pwned a jb gay prostitute harry potter hobo fat typo idiot yesterday. Mhm. I got the moves. LOL. :] I'm like bored. & they say people who are bored will usually die earlier than people who aren't bored so, i'm gonna die EARLIER. AHHHH. oh well. I need pie. like really, i need pie. I like pie. i really need pie. seriously, yeaah. :} WILL UPLOAD PWNING TOMORROW. :3 BYEEE. OH YEAH. JOINED JIEYING'S SUPER COOL FAM WhySoAwesome :3 Cause Limin's cpl kicked me out cause theyyyyyy areeeeen't. nvm. ANYHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, EXCITEEEED. Gave JAS money through MAIL. LOOOL. I'm kookoo. GOODBYE. I like pie.
Sunday, December 18, 2011 HELLO. Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.2 Dawn Leanne Julea.Wednesday, December 7, 2011 HEY EVERYONE AGAIN. - CRICKETS - FINALLY DOWNLOADED AUDITION! Yayyy. Jasmine & Jieying get ready to PARTEHH. :3 tyvm flashget. SO HAPPY. I'm like spamming audition today. Pretty bored. Now I'm gonna stop. need to watch tv. HAHA. I'M LAZY. LAZINESS FTW! Been playing with Liminsist. Joined her cpl's fam today. Amalgamate. mm, I remember long words. LOL. & I still pwn people. ![]() JASMINE NOTICES REINDEER'S NOSES. LOL. ![]() PWNING PEOPLE. OF COURSE. ![]() PWNING, AGAIN. :D Got more but will upload someday. too lazy ;\ Jieying!: JIEYING! I promised you a dedication, was a little rushed in the previous post. WOMAN, JIEYING. YOU BEAUTIFUL WOMAN, LOL. YOU ARE SO AMAZING. & once again, I know who your little lover boy is but you know. Imma ssssh. :3 We've gone through a lot. We bonded PRETTY fast dontcha think. Instant click woman! & i hope you get lots of money before christmas! I know I've been away for almost a year but I'm back! & therefore, you shall love me 1million times more. LOL. HAHAHAHA. Thanks for everything Jieying! LOVE YA SIST. <3 BYE Dawn Leanne Julea.Sunday, December 4, 2011
HEY EVERYONE WHO READS MY BLOG. *crickets* LOL. I am still trying to download audition, yes tyvm. I wanna start dancing with my fingers! & PWN all them loses :3 But of course I need to train first by myself in a room. Hmm, wondering how much Audition has changed. The download is at 80% now, thank you Flashget! Just a 1h++ left or smth like that. If it stops and says 'Interrupted' for the 300th time. I AM GOING TO SLAP MYSELF. LOL. High chance it's gonna be like that so yeah. Just pray for the best :D I'm drinking Coke, in the morning. B'cause I'm so cool. & because my mouth tastes like vomit. I'm pretty sure I'm sick. .___. I need to do homework. AH. But i'm procastinating by eating, drinking, singing, dancing, watching tv, watching shows on the internet. SO, i'm just going to start at 2pm. Thanks @JasmineZSM for dedicating me in her blog :D & @Jieyinggg! for promising me you would drag Jasmine to Aus. HAHA. You guys better play with me audition if it works. & IF IT WORKS. I don't care, i'm like viber-ing you to go & play with me stat. JasmineZSM: WOMAN! You dedicated me so here's to return the love <3 LOL. You helped me through rough times & told me about your LOOOOVER boy. HEEHEE. I remember his name. HAHA, super sonic memory! Although I've asked you to aim for HIGHER cause you deserve it, he may be a good person. CAUSE, ALLLLLLL singaporean dudes are good. *cough* like 60% are all AHBENG's & sitting like a chicken and talking like this; "CB, BLABLABLA SEHHHH. Wad the **** lah." DON'T GET THAT. LOL. YOU ARE WAY HIGHER :D & thanks for like still wanting to talk to me after we've drifted apart for WAY TOO LONG. Had things to do anyways. SO CONCLUSION. THANKS. JIEYING, YOU'LL GET A DEDICATION IN THE NEXT POST. ILY BOTH <3 |
![]() I'm Sweet Sixteeeen!*cause I'm in Singapore* Give me presents on seventh-april Attached to Jasmine Zhang Shimin 020620102010/1010pm She is everything to me I LOVE ALL MY FRIENDS <3 POKEMON & DINERDASH FANTIC! I JUST LOVE THOSE ANGRY PEOPLE! > & I have serious attitude problems DON'T go around stirring up trouble. I (L) my treasured Sists, you got problem with them, you have a problem with me. Follow me @ Twitter! *Dead*Tumblr! xx. AuditionSEA ![]() Daeriz,Level 22Amateur Couple: Mex Level 28 Back Up. -MentalHosp- Team: Jaeriz and Vanderz FAM: -MentalHosp- Active, find me in Free1, 2 or FamChnl. Used LOTS of @cash I AM DONE WITH THAT QUIZ THING. Too lazy. Laziness ftw! LOL. ![]() ♥BloodBondSisters(L) Jasmine Jieying Tiara Karine Denise Tianning Cheryl ![]() Becky Shuwen Limin Fiona Shinz VeonChin ♥Insertluv JasmineShared ALL THE INACTIVES WILL BE DELETED, SADLY ): March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 November 2011 December 2011 January 2012 |